
Mugai Ryu Iai Hyodo

Feudal-Era Japanese Swordsmanship


Instructors and Shibucho

Paul Tzirides

Paul Tzirides began training in 2001 and received Men no Maki in Mugai Ryu Iai Hyodo in 2018, he currently holds the rank of Renshi Rokudan with the Nippon Iaido Renmei. Paul is the current head instructor at the Japanese Culture Center and head of

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Adam Szczygieł

Adam began training in 2015 and quickly became a core member of the Chicago dojo. He has visited Japan on multiple occasions for training and to participate in the annual Nippon Iaido Renmei Zen Kaku Tai Kai in 2019. Adam is a member of the America

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Elaine Mack

One of the longest-standing members in the Chicago Dojo, Elaine Mack has been training in Mugai Ryu Iai Hyodo since 2003, and currently holds the rank of godan. Elaine currently assists with the Introduction classes, and has worked with teachers in

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Steve Johnson

After completing an introduction class, Steve Johnson continued his training, and has become a pillar in the Chicago Dojo. Steve was presented the prestigious Tai Kai Sho from the Nippon Iaido Renmei for an outstanding demonstration of his technique

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